Sometimes, in order to truly understand what’s going on in the workplace, between your people, an investigation may be needed. We know how difficult it can be to investigate matters internally, whether it’s because of the time needed, the complexity or nature of the problem, or just because you’re too close to the issue. Having an impartial third-party step in and lead this process can make a real difference to the outcome of tricky people situations.
We can help by sensitively and promptly investigating your workplace issues and complaints so relationships can get back on track (and so can the work!).
How it works
No two investigations are the same, and nor are the workplaces where they occur, so our approach can be tailored to suit your needs.
We follow the principles of natural justice in all investigations we conduct, meaning that people have a right to know the full extent of what has been alleged against them (including any evidence supporting those allegations), to be given a fair and reasonable opportunity to put forward their own views and evidence before any findings are made, and to be heard by an investigator who has no bias or conflict of interest.
We will ensure everyone involved in the investigation understands the process and is kept informed (as appropriate) along the way. We conduct interviews either online or in person, ensuring all parties have the support they need and an opportunity to participate fully in the process. We provide a comprehensive report on investigation findings and outcomes and can provide recommendations (where appropriate or necessary) about next steps.
If you need to outsource your workplace investigation, please reach out to us now.
Contact Us
Tegan | 0415 570 100
Lee-Anne | 0425 787 699
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